My real estate clients often come to me for help with 1031 exchanges. However, many clients are not aware that 1031 exchanges are not limited to real estate transactions...
READ MOREThe Qualified Small Business Stock ("QSBS") tax exclusion is set forth under Section 1202 of the Internal Revenue Code. It was enacted in order to incentivize...
READ MOREIf you are a US citizen and you live abroad, you are taxed on your worldwide income. However, you may qualify to exclude your foreign earnings from income up to...
READ MOREA partner to an LLC is called a “member.” In order to add a new member to an LLC, the first thing that must be done is a review of the state articles of organization for the...
READ MOREUnlike LLCs and S-Corporations, which are flow-through entities, C-Corporations are taxed at the entity-level at a rate of 21%. This means that income earned by C-Corporations is taxed twice...
READ MOREClients come to me all the time looking to add a trust to their business structure in order to reduce their tax bill. The vast majority of the time, after...
READ MOREEntrepreneurs are always coming to me asking how to pay zero tax by relocating their business to a tax haven jurisdiction. Every time, I tell them the same thing...